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Om oss

One Tired Brother Productions AB was registered in 1999 and has since produced 10 documentaries and 5 feature films that have been broadcast and/or released theatrically. The company has also developed numerous documentaries, feature films and tv-series, both our own projects and collaborations with other companies. One Tired Brother is run by Producer Malin Holmberg-Karim and Director/Writer Osmond Karim and and we like to refer to ourselves as a “Boutique Production Company”. The films we choose to develop and produce are films that are on some level very important to us, and that we feel very strongly about and find to be both intriguing and relevant in such a way that we simply have to make them and share them with the world. 

“It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.” 

-Roger Ebert

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